Pfosten fünf║--Assignment 3

AOL or America Online - offers services such as Internet access, email account, instant messaging, chat, and other online features.

The online giant AOL announced last October 18, 2006 that it is closing its Albuquerque call center, a move expected to result in the loss of more than 900 jobs by the end of December. It’s really difficult news. The cuts are part of a restructuring plan AOL announced in August, in which the company said as many as 5,000 employees would be laid off within six months - a quarter of its global work force. Albuquerque's call center at 6301 Jefferson St. N.E. employs more than 900 workers. The company wouldn't disclose the typical salary paid in Albuquerque, only saying it was "on par with the industry." Employees were told of the layoffs, and then given the day off. They will continue to work for AOL through Dec. 15, after which they will be offered a severance package that provides a combination of salary and benefits.

In total, AOL announced 1,400 job cuts in the United States. A call center in Tucson will also see about 400 job cuts, while a call center in Ogden, Utah, will be sold to another company. The reduction in customer service workers comes as AOL, a unit of Time Warner Inc., transitions away from charging customers for high-speed Internet, e-mail and other services and into an advertising-driven Web services company. Customers who have been maintaining their AOL subscription just to keep their AOL.com e-mail address, for example, now receive that service online for free.

AOL has maintained a call center in Albuquerque for about a decade. The Albuquerque facility was one of AOL's first customer call centers and remains its second-largest, falling just behind a call center in Oklahoma City that will remain open. The Albuquerque call center employees worked with subscribers to answer questions on high-speed Internet connections, billing issues, registration to the service and other areas of technical support. But with the company moving away from its subscriber-driven service, the need for customer service workers has minimized.

In August, Time Warner Inc., AOL's parent company, said it expected to spend $250 million to $350 million through 2007 to implement the changes, about half of that for employee severance. The AOL cuts are the latest in a series of work force fluctuations in the Albuquerque area's call centers, which employ an estimated 12,500 people in the metro area. Sento Corp., a customer support company in Utah, in August announced 65 job cuts after its Downtown call center lost a key client. The company, though, employs about 300 at the Compass Bank building and has said it still plans to expand to 800 workers in the next three years. Verizon Wireless is in the midst of hiring as many 400 customer service call center workers by the end of the year to fill a new, $20 million facility at 7000 Central Ave. S.W. that at its peak will hold 1,400 workers.

AOL's departure means more than just job losses. The company was an advocate for Albuquerque as a home for corporate customer relations centers. The departure from Albuquerque is strictly due to AOL's change in business model. It has nothing to do with the viability of the local market or other economic factors.


Company Website:

Pfosten vier║--►5 Online-Job Services◄

Like a Star @ heaven My 5 Online-Job Services Like a Star @ heaven

Φ data typing to specific websites at home/café.
Φ do simple Data Typing Work for different companies.

Φ a full-fun job and a great way to start making money online or from home.
Φ they are hired to pose as customers and to anonymously evaluate the service they receive from a given business or an organization.


Certified Internet Marketing Specialists
Φ they partner with their clients and learn about their businesses.
Φ they also provide a complete set of ethical Internet marketing services that have been developed to achieve online promotion and sales results.
Φ helps their client in marketing their business online.


Online Associate Producer
Φ responsible for assisting with all editorial project execution and development of the consumer health web site, focusing on conditions and women's health.
Φ Assist in developing, maintaining and updating online channel content pages, programs and tools.
Φ Monitor internal and external online communities .


Online Acquisition Marketing Coordinator
Φ Work closely with the Bookspan creative, production, legal and IT departments to assist in developing and executing new member online acquisition promotions to maximize profitable enrollments. Coordinate the implementation for multi-channel efforts across the various Bookspan clubs.
Φ Work with online acquisition team to ensure that all campaigns meet business requirements and are completed on-time and within budget.


Among the five online-job services that I have stated above, the best job for me is th online data entry job because its one of the easier way in gaining money online while you are at home. If you have the typing skill on computer and if you are good on spelling,grammar and punctuation you can already apply on this kind of online job. And that's a great privilege for us student because we can also apply on this job.

Pfosten drei║--♥mY JoB DesCriPtiOn♥

AftEr I gRaduaTed, I waNna be a WEB DESIGNER in a weLL-knOwn cOmpaNy.Wink

a wEb deSignEr is tHe one wHo:

Like a Star @ heaven is responsible for the layout, visual appearance and usability of the company website.

ReSpOnsibiLities oF a Web deSigner iS to:

► design Web sites.
► Advising the clients on the categories and information needed to construct the site.
► upload the websites on to the Internet.
► Test the web sites for functionality in different browsers and at different resolutions.

sKiLLs nEeded:

► Excellent communication skills.
► flexible attitude.
► Ability to Hand Code with HTML
► Strong knowledge of Dreamweaver, Photoshop, JavaScript and Flash.


║OuR fIrsT aSsigNmeT in HRM uNder siR RAndy S. GambOa║

Anweisung zwei║--►mAh inTrOducTion..♥◄

flower Ei guY'z!.. Laughing I'm Dolorosa G. MAncera a 3rd-yr BS in InFormaTiOn TecHnoLogy sTudeNt. Am ExPecting to LeArn sOmeThing frOm ouR insTructor aNd frOm thE induStry aBouT ouR subJect(Human ResouRce ManAgemEnt). And aM aLso eXpeCTing thAt it wiLL be fun whiLe LeaRning on this subject sinCe we wiLL be deALing witH thE reAL wOrld of indUstry.And am hOping thAt oUr iNstrUctor wiLL be vEry helpfuL and strict iN guiding us.sO guy'z! hoPe we aLL pAsS! Exclamation lol!Smile

Anweisung ein║--mY fiRst eVer bLog exPeriEnce.♥

hELo guys!
wElcome tO mah page.
yEye hir.

eNjoy aNd tHanks fOr thE visiT.
God bLess!
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