Eighteenth Post: MIS : Information Environment

Assignment 9:
Identify an information environment of your choice and write an essay to address the following questions: (3000 words)
• What should be your role within this environment?
• How can the principles of information organization and representation help you in performing this role?
• What are the challenges facing you in performing the role? How will you address these challenges?

Our task is to identify an information environment and write an easy to address the following question: What should be our role in our chosen environment? How can the principles of information organization and representation help you in performing this role? What are the challenges facing you in performing the role? How will I address these challenges?

To begin with, let me define first the information environment. According to what I have searched on the web, the Information Environment (IE) is to develop and provide services which enable people to find and manage information efficiently and effectively in their learning, teaching or research. The information resources which people need are very varied - books, journals, research papers, teaching resources, videos, maps and more - and while they might be in any format they are increasingly digitalized.The aim of the Information Environment is to help provide convenient access to resources for research and learning through the use of resource discovery and resource
management tools and the development of better services and practice. The Information Environment aims to allow discovery, access and use of resources for research and learning irrespective of their location.

Information technology is a powerful tool for meeting environmental objectives and promoting sustainable development. Nowadays, technology plays a vital role in our daily life. Due to fast development of technology these days, information can be acquired everywhere, anytime and
anywhere we want.

An information technology helps or supports the mission of an organization. To do this, Almost all organization hire an IT Professionals in order to help their organizations’ management understand and manage their uncertainties.

Information environment might be defined as an organization having there own information system. Moreover, every organization today have there own information system since we can’t deny the fact that we are now living in a world wherein computers and different innovations are all around
and are most commonly used in any establishment.

In the present world, information environment are countless and are too big that they are able to span the whole world. Identifying an organization that has its leading and finest information environment in which that said organization applies management information systems and information technology expertly and effectively will be a difficult and complicated thing if we would think of a simple and small corporation. But as an Information Technology student, I can only think of a simple and ideal Information environment that would nourish me with all the new information.

Journeying back on the time that I’m still thinking of what course to take, it’s already one of my goals to get a job that would fit my interest. At first, I thought of taking up accountancy, but because of my fathers encouragement I enroll into BS in Information Technology. Am not quite
sure before of what IT is and what kind of environments I would be dealing with after I graduated with this course. But staying in this institution for years and still aiming to graduate, I can now predict or analyze what would be the environments that probably I’ll be dealing with. I took up IT therefore I have to work in an IT environment and be involved with the IT people and IT world.
I’m hoping that one day; I’ll be one of those people who are working on big and well-known companies. We get a job to work and to earn but another thing to remember that we also work to learn. Yes, definitely! In fact, learning is unstoppable. I’m not yearning to work abroad even if there are more and greater opportunities especially on our field. But if an opportunity takes place, I would definitely grab that one. It’s a privilege for us Filipino’s to show how intellectually-giant we are. Having a simple life and be happy is what I aim in life.

As I remember the discussions and reporting that we have in our Management Information System, in an organization Information System plays a vital role for them. The Management Information System department and IT department is considered as the heart and soul of a company. If I would be ask what profession I would like to take, well, that would be a tough decision to make because nobody knows what will happen in the future. But I do dream that I would be working with those jobs related to my interest. Well, I guess dreaming is not that bad? Whenever I tried to visualize that I would be an IT professional looking for an avenue where I can utilize every information that I
acquired in all the yeas that I have studied in the university and looking forward for further opportunity that I can explore more about information technology.

As a whole, am looking for a job suitable for the degree that I have earned and also suits my interest. But the conflict is that, I will choose what information system environment would fit me and not the unemployment. If we observe well, there are a vast number of information system environments that exist in the corporate world nowadays. And honestly speaking, I have many
interests but choosing an environment also depends on my skills. I could be involved in a web developing environment since one of my interest designing a web page. We already discussed some about developing a web page through the use of either jsp or the php. I like surfing the internet and exploring what’s new and what’s best. But I can learn more about this environment if I have enough resources and be able to learn more of what I need.

One of my interests is watching movies. Whenever I watch foreign movies I was so amazed with the that sometimes I cheer myself saying ” one day, you can make your own 3D animations too”, well, I hope so but there is nothing wrong on trying and practice makes perfect, right? In an animation environment is also a good idea to work with since I also love to watch cartoons. If there is a privilege with this environment, no doubt, I would definitely grab it.

As of now, the role of the information environment that I have chosen would be to big responsibility for a student like me. I will need more time in practicing all the needed expertise for the environment I want to suit with.

Establishing an effective, efficient and reliable information environment is not an easy job. We can’t assure that we can assure that we could establish a fully-functional and risk-free environment. The possible challenges that I think we will face in developing an ideal information environment are the limited of resources, security of the environment and financial problem. It would be a big risk if we only have limited resources and we are aiming to have a whole information environment. An ideal and reliable information environment should provide beneficial information to the users. With regards to security, we all know that an information environment is an essential and sensitive ingredient in an organization. Maintaining the security of an information environment is a big challenge that we will face. Absolutely, financial problem is a challenge for us and in an information environment. It
is an ideal way if we could get the resources right away and access the information we need.

After mentioning the challenges that would be a risk my performance in doing my duty in the information environment, I also have some alternatives or strategies to lessen these challenges since it are not that easy to totally overcome those challenges. First is to be open-minded with the
happenings and issues and even ideas of other people. I should not depend on what I know and on the resources that I already have. I can explore information in a simple and easier way. I should be focus on the environment am in.
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